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文森特·威廉·梵·高(Vincent Willem van Gogh,1853-1890),中文又称”凡高”,荷兰后印象派画家。出生于新教牧师家庭,是后印象主义的先驱,并深深地影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派与表现主义。
▲ 《玫瑰》Roses,1890
▲ 《蝴蝶和罂粟》Butterflies and Poppies , 1890
▲《花瓶里的鲜花》Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase,1890
▲《采摘橄榄的妇女》Women Picking Olives,1889
▲《三蝉》Three Cicadas , 1889
▲《Schenkweg的苗圃》Nursery on Schenkweg,1882
▲《蝙蝠》Flying Fox, 1885
▲《麦田群鸦》 Wheatfield with Crows ,1890
▲《自画像》Self-Portraits , 1887
▲《农妇2》Head of a Woman, 1885、
▲《戴草帽的自画像》Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat,1887
▲《自画像》Self-Portrait , 1887
▲《咖啡馆》In the CaféAgostina Segatori in LeTambourin, 1887
▲《农妇》Head of a Woman, 1885
▲《自画像》Self-Portrait 1886
▲《老马》Old Nag, 1883
▲《马》Horse, 1886
▲《皇娥》Emperor Moth ,1889
▲《在阿尔勒的卧室》Vincent·s Bedroom in Arles,1889
▲《义勇兵》The Zouave,1888
▲《杏花盛开》 branches of an almond tree in blossom ,1890
▲《麦田里的第一步》First Steps, after Millet,1890
▲《洛杉矶摇篮曲》La Berceuse,1889
▲《米歇尔夫人》Madame Joseph-Michel Ginoux ,1888-89
▲《景观与兔》Landscape with Rabbits, 1889
▲《削土豆的农妇》The Potato Peeler,1885
▲《橄榄树》Olive Tree,1889
▲《丝柏树》Cypresses, 1889
▲《甘蓝和木屐》Still Life with Cabbage and Clogs , 1881
▲《老人肖像》Portrait of an Old Man, 1885
▲《卡米尔罗里肖像》Portrait of Camille Roulin , 1888
▲《乌云下的麦田》Wheatfield under Thunderclouds , 1890
▲《罗里夫人和她的孩子》Madame Roulin and Her Baby,1888
▲《花果园》The Flowering Orchard,1888
▲《艾腾璐》Road in Etten,1881
▲《晚上》Evening (after Millet), 1889
▲《15只向日葵》Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers,1889
▲《水边翠鸟》Kingfisher by the Waterside, 1887、
▲《鸢尾花》Irises , 1890
▲《医院走廊》Corridor in the Asylum,1889
▲《戴灰色毛毡帽的自画像》Self-Portrait with Grey Felt Hat , 1887
▲《用炉火烹饪的农妇》Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace,1885
▲《作画时的自画像》Self-Portrait as a Painter , 1886
▲《有草帽烟斗的自画像Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat , 1887
▲《戴帽子的自画像》Self-Portrait with Felt Hat , 1886 - 1887
▲《麦田里的丝柏树》(A Wheatfield,with Cypresses),1889
▲《圣比埃尔广场的情侣》Garden with Courting CouplesSquare Saint-Pierre 1887
▲《手 碗 猫》Hand with a Bowl, and a Cat,1885
▲《自画像》Self-Portrait with Glass , 1887
▲《有烟斗的自画像》Self-Portrait with Pipe ,1886
《 时 代 美 术 家 》